Before conducting an in-depth discussion, it is imperative to fathom the definition of Terracotta Sealing in Hawthorn. It will help you make the right decision. Well, the fundamental purpose of terracotta sealing is to protect the tiles from contamination and premature decay.

So, here let’s discuss everything that comes with this service. It will help you make the right decision. To be precise, you will get rid of all your hesitations before making the final call. Thus, here are all the things that you need to know about this sealing service.
Which products are used for Terracotta Sealing in Hawthorne ?
The experts use numerous sealers. Here, let’s take a look at some of the sealers that professionals use.
[A] Penetrating sealers :-
The fundamental purpose of these sealers is to penetrate the terracotta surface, which will create a barrier that will repel the stains as well as water. If you are looking for sealers for outdoor purposes, opting for this sealer will be your best call. It is compatible with both glazed and unglazed surfaces.
[B] Acrylic sealers :-
Another type of sealer that we use is that acrylic sealer. Well, it is a type of topical sealer that is used to create a glossy finish to the terracotta. In case, you are looking for the sealers that are best compatible with indoor terracotta use, choosing the acrylic ones will serve your purpose.
You can use it for both glazed and unglazed surfaces.
[C] Topical sealers :-
Here, the experts will make the sealers sit on top of the terracotta. It will play a pivotal role in repelling water and stains. It is the perfect choice for indoor uses and is harmonious with both glazed and unglazed surfaces.
[D] Polyurethane sealers :-
It is also a type of topical sealer that is capable of creating scratch-resistant, and durable finish on the terracotta. It is one of the best alternatives for outdoor use and you can use it on both glazed and unglazed terracotta.
What is the sealing process the professionals follow ?
The professionals follow a specific sealing process, which will ensure that the quality of the sealing is up to the mark. Here, is the process they follow :-
(A) The first thing that they will do is to clean the surface.
(B) Next, they will apply the sealer.
(C) After that, they will allow the sealers to dry down.
(D) Now, they will apply the second coat.
(E) Finally, they will take all the steps to maintain the sealed surfaces.
What is the cleaning process they follow before sealing the terracotta ?
(1) Vacuum or sweep the surface.
(2) Use a cleaning solution.
(3) Scrub the surface.
(4) Rinse the surface.
(5) Allow the surface to dry.

So, these are all the things that you need to know before opting for this sealing service. If you are looking for the best service provider in this field, you should get in touch with Aus Floor Care. They will also deliver you the best Sandstone Floor Polishing service in Melbourne .